How? World Cup Soccer Camps And Soccer Clinics
World Cup Soccer Camps & Clinics


Soccer Camps



Offline Registration

  1. Print the registration form:

    • Download and print the registration form » (PDF, 2.07MB)
      The link above opens a new window — to save the file to disk instead, right-click (PC) or control-click (MAC) the link above and select the 'Save...' option.

  2. Complete the form and phone, fax or mail it in with your payment to:

    Phone: 1 (888) 700-9779 (toll-free) or (408) 354-4949
    Please be sure to have the following information available for your call:

    • Camp week and location - available on the registration form above
    • Camper names, birthdates and medical conditions/limitations

    Fax: (408) 354-4747
    Visa/MasterCard payments only.
    Full amount will be charged.

    World Cup Soccer Camps
    3141 Stevens Creek Blvd #300
    San Jose, CA 95117
    $150.00 (USD) nonrefundable deposit required.