Updated January 1, 2024:
It's easy!
For every new family you refer to us and they register for one of our camps or classes, we will credit you $10 on your camp/class balance. In addition, we also deduct $10 from your friends' camp/class balance. Simply let us know who you sent our way by contacting us at rewards@worldcupsoccercamps.com. It's a win-win situation! Spread the word about our great camps and classes and save!Please note that this offer only applies to your friends that are new customers of World Cup Soccer Camps & Clinics. Referral rewards only apply to camps and classes (and don't include personal training, and small group training) and when you register through worldcupsoccercamps.com. Discounts are not redeemable on any Recreation Departments' websites. Please accept our apologies.