How? World Cup Soccer Camps And Soccer Clinics
World Cup Soccer Camps & Clinics


Soccer Camps



Extended Care (only offered in summer)


**Extended Care is offered for all our summer camps. Please register no later than a week before camp start date.**

Extended care is available in the mornings and afternoons as listed below. Your child will remain at the camp site and participate in supervised activities and free play. Extended care is usually outside in a shaded area. Only during our indoor facility soccer camps extended care is offered indoors.

Extended care hours:
Monday through Friday from 8:00am - 9:00am and 3:00pm - 5:00pm ($20/hr).

Select a Purchase option below to add Extended Care.

Packages & fees
Name Price Purchase
1-Morning Extended Care 8-9am 100 Purchase
2-Afternoon Extended Care 3-5pm 200 Purchase
3-Morning & Afternoon Extended Care 8-9am & 3-5pm 300 Purchase