Physical and mental benefits of playing soccer for kids
By: Poorvi Adavi

To be successful in life one needs to learn from failure and losing, more than from winning. Every year millions of children are enrolled in sports related activities, not all of them make their mark on the field, but the lessons they learn between the foul lines make them skilled at dealing with the ups and downs of life.
While striving to win children learn about teamwork, leadership, sportsmanship, all of which contribute to their development as social citizens. In soccer, children work together to accomplish a task and eventually learn from their mistakes.
Soccer helps children be present in the moment. Which is the most precious skill required to excel in any field. The sport teaches kids to focus and builds their ability to concentrate and gauge a particular situation.
Physical and Mental Benefits of Playing Soccer for Kids
Fitter, healthier, happier
Playing soccer requires children to sprint after the ball and jog up and down the field. This builds endurance and helps children stay fit and agile. Children develop stronger muscles, bones, decreases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and lesser chances of becoming overweight. When children run to chase the ball, it becomes a hardcore aerobic activity which strengthens the heart and improves body?s ability to deliver oxygen to all its cells.
Build social skills
Winning a soccer game requires the whole team to work together. It requires children to interact with each other. The game intrinsically focuses on the efforts of the entire team, rather than individual success. Hence, there is less pressure and more fun! There is a lot of competition and stress children go through off the field playing soccer will help them relax and reconnect with themselves.
Thinking on the run
Multitasking is a very precious skill to acquire in life. Soccer, requires players to make decisions while they are involved in chasing the ball. This nature of the sport, teaches kids to focus on different things and achieve the set goal. Whether we are involved in household or official tasks, fulfilling more than one task at a time to achieve a target is a must.
Reduces screen time
Let?s face it, kids are eternally addicted to phones, tablets and watching TV. Its scientifically proven that excessive screen time is damaging to a child?s physical and mental development. If you enroll your child in World Cup Soccer Camps & Clinics by Ruedi Graf, there will be less scope for playing video games or binge watching television. Children learn to mingle with each other, reduce stress and stay happy!
Develop self-esteem and self-confidence
At World Cup Soccer Camps and Clinics, we ensure that kids are applauded and encouraged on scoring a goal or playing tactfully. Over the years, we have observed that children feel good on being appreciated and wish to do more. This boosts their self-esteem and makes them confident individuals.
Above all, soccer requires a lot of self-discipline. Cultivating this from an early age can help in the development of child?s personality. The virtues that children learn from playing soccer are endless. Teamwork, time management, endurance, multitasking, decision making and most importantly learning that failure is a part of life and that one needs to learn from it.